Friday, August 28, 2015

When the stars fall.

This is a song I wrote a while ago, I'm not sure if I've posted it before, but I'm pretty sure I havn't. ;)

One day the stars
Will fall
And rain down from the skyyy
And you will spread your wings and flyyy
And you will finalyyy feel freee
And when the stars
Come crashing down
Your feet will leave the ground
You will feel the wind in your hair
And you will soarrr through the airrr
And He
Is waiting for you
And He
Will sweep you up and taaake you to a kingdom beyond the stars!
Oh, He has finally found you!
And all your dreams have come true!
You finallly feeel free
From all your fear and worrryy!
Oh, He has finally found you!
And all your dreams have come true!
You finally feel free
From all your doubt and worry!
And He
Is waiting for you
And He
Will take you
To a kingdom
Beyond the stars.

There is a beautiful future ahead of us, and it is going to be more awesome than anything we could ever imagaine. <3


  1. Awesome!! You should totally have music that goes with that. :D And no, you haven't posted it before. ;)

  2. Wow!! awesome song :-)


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Hannah M